Premium Care Triage Service

Healthcare made easy.
Premium Care is an end-to-end telehealth service providing immediate early intervention care to workers.

Telehealth is a safe and secure means to access Axis Physiotherapy & Psychology services at your fingertips.

24/7 Telehealth early intervention triage care can take place at the worker’s home or workplace. It is a convenient, safe and easy way to access quality Physiotherapy & Psychology intervention without encountering the costs associated with travel to and from clinics.

Our Axis Physiotherapists & Psychologists are experienced in identifying and managing psychosocial stresses of the workplace.

24/7 Triage Hotline

Remain at work approach

Effectively manage low risk & high risk cases at risk of secondary psychological disorders

We manage 80% of injuries immediately

Better claims performance

We have a mental health pathway for complex cases

Our hotline / telehealth healthcare service that provides rapid connection to our qualified Axis team of physiotherapists and psychologists.


Premium Care is an end-to-end service designed to provide immediate early care to workers with injury to ensure effective triage, treatment and workplace support.


Premium Care simplifies the injury management process with a defined runway of early intervention care promoting stay at work recovery and in turn, less lost time injuries and WorkCover claims.

  • Trusted health professionals with expertise in return to work
  • Immediate risk profiling of all injuries
  • Effective triage for all injuries
  • Extra care options for difficult cases
  • Physiotherapy Partner Program across Australia
  • Real time data and communication to all stakeholders
  • Personalised advice, education and exercise programs
  • Reduce the need for unnecessary medical intervention

How does our Premium Care service work?

Report an Injury

24-hour rapid response injury reporting triage service, 7 days a week.


Healthcare Professional triage to determine best pathway of care.

Immediate Advice

Immediate risk profiling for effective triage, treatment & workplace support.


Real time data and communication to all stakeholders.


Extra care options for more complex cases, nationwide.

Follow up and Reporting

Real time data and communication to all stakeholders.

Let’s work together

Our team are located all over Australia, get in touch with us and we’ll get your business reaching its full potential.

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