Premium Care Triage Service
Healthcare made easy.
Premium Care is an end-to-end telehealth service providing immediate early intervention care to workers.
Telehealth is a safe and secure means to access Axis Physiotherapy & Psychology services at your fingertips.
24/7 Telehealth early intervention triage care can take place at the worker’s home or workplace. It is a convenient, safe and easy way to access quality Physiotherapy & Psychology intervention without encountering the costs associated with travel to and from clinics.
Our Axis Physiotherapists & Psychologists are experienced in identifying and managing psychosocial stresses of the workplace.
Our hotline / telehealth healthcare service that provides rapid connection to our qualified Axis team of physiotherapists and psychologists.
Premium Care is an end-to-end service designed to provide immediate early care to workers with injury to ensure effective triage, treatment and workplace support.
Premium Care simplifies the injury management process with a defined runway of early intervention care promoting stay at work recovery and in turn, less lost time injuries and WorkCover claims.
24-hour rapid response injury reporting triage service, 7 days a week.
Healthcare Professional triage to determine best pathway of care.
Immediate risk profiling for effective triage, treatment & workplace support.
Real time data and communication to all stakeholders.
Extra care options for more complex cases, nationwide.
Real time data and communication to all stakeholders.