Sydney Trains Onsite Physio Service

If you are experiencing problems with booking in please contact or call Axis head office on 1300 196 393.

1. The onsite service is for Sydney Trains Employees only. Contractors are not permitted to use this service.
2. If booking in work hours, please let your manager know of your whereabouts before attending the appointment.
3. If your injury is work related, please follow normal reporting processes separately (call the injury hotline/advise your manager).
4. Train Crew: please ensure you have confirmed your next operational shift prior to booking.
5. If cancelling a minimum of 24hours notice is required. Cancellations can be made via the appointment confirmation link that is sent to the mobile number that is listed at the time of booking.

To book an appointment: CLICK HERE

Note: there may be slight variations in the availability of appointments that appear in the digital booking diary due to minor necessary changes to clinician scheduling.