Ever wondered what’s it’s like to have a psychologist onsite at your workplace?
Authors: Axis Psychology Team
You might have already considered the benefits of having someone you know and trust to help support your team and to cope with personal and professional challenges that can arise.
Axis occupational health psychologists can support team members and leaders at any stage of the mental health continuum. We work to elevate human potential by increases the capability of organisations and wellbeing of employees. Through our onsite psychology services, our clinicians are located at the workplace, increasing their accessibility and familiarity for employees.
An employee’s mental health is just as integral to their productivity and wellbeing as their physical health. Workplace health and safety legislation now requires organisations to meet a duty of care to prevent psychosocial hazards and psychological injuries in the workplace. Onsite psychology can assist companies to meet their duty of care, improve performance and support retention in the workplace.
Axis employs a continuity of care by providing psychological services by a clinician who is familiar with the workplace context and the unique challenges the workforce faces, therefore providing a well-rounded solution to employee mental health and wellbeing.
Customised Psychology Services
Axis psychologists provide customised services which can include the following preventative and responsive initiatives:
- Working with leaders to increase their confidence in responding to workers experiencing psychological distress
- Leader workshops to build capability and competence to support their team and create a positive culture
- Facilitation of collaborative and supportive early intervention
- Providing confidential counselling support to workers
- Running health promotion seminars to support positive behaviour change
- Education to destigmatize mental health in the workplace.
- Assessment and education about psychosocial hazards
- Tailored workshops and focus groups to improve overall workplace culture
- Mental health coaching
Not only does the organisation benefit from the provision of psychological services, but employees who access the service can do so free of cost and without a referral, generally obtaining an appointment more rapidly than they would within the community. Onsite clinicians destigmatise the use of psychological services and promote psychosocial safety within the workplace. This is due to both the familiarity between the team and the provider, and also the modelling of employees utilising the service.
Please feel welcome to contact us if this is a service you would like to know more about!