Onecall / Telehealth

Telehealth is a safe and secure means to access Axis Psychology services at your fingertips.

Telehealth early intervention can take place at the worker’s home or workplace. It is a convenient, safe and easy way to access quality Psychological intervention without encountering the costs associated with travel to and from clinics.

All consultations are with an Axis Psychologist who are experienced in identifying and managing psychosocial stresses of the workplace.

Appointment booked within one business hour.
First consultation within four business hours.

All consults include communications and status updates to the referrer.

Meet the Axis Team

We’re a friendly bunch and are passionate about what we do together.

Meet the team

Make a referral

We’re determined to build long-lasting referral relationships. Our team of specialists are committed to delivering the highest level of care on your behalf.

Book an appointment

Finding your true potential has to start somewhere. To learn more about what we can do for you, book an appointment with our friendly team today.